Artistic Discipline: Poetry/Spoken Word/choreo-poems
Age Range for Residencies: Grades 6-12, Adults
Speak to My Soul hosts events, creates productions and incorporates programs in the community that use the performing arts to empower, educate and elevate. We raise awareness of pressing issues in the community such as poverty, injustice, unemployment, education or lack thereof, etc. People of all ages and backgrounds have been inspired after our programs have spoken to their soul through empowering messages, presentations, acting, and spoken word. These features continue to speak across generations and socioeconomic statuses impacting and changing lives.
- Create art to evoke dialogue that will push people towards awareness and action
- Stand as a platform and safe space for artists of color to create and showcase their work
- Provide financial support and opportunities for artists of color
- Incorporate programs and curriculum into schools that use the arts to assist with the progression of the community
- Radiate love and positivity